Spiritual Retreat 2024

April 26-28 | Cleveland, GA

Shaykh Dr. Muhammad

Scholar & Founder of Madina Institute Atlanta

Shaykh Muhammad al-Ninowy

Scholar & Founder of Madina Institute

Ustadh Asad Khan

Executive Director of Madina Institute Atlanta

Ustadha Sofia Sharif

Founder of Ruh, Instructor at Madina Institute

Ustadha Dr. Zeenat Gaibee

Community Leader at Madina Institute Canada

Back by popular demand!

Live Your Love has partnered with Madina Institute & Ruh by Madina to offer their 2nd annual Eid Retreat just outside Atlanta, GA.

Join us for a rejuvenating weekend filled with knowledge, spirituality, relaxation and growth in the midst of nature and tranquility!

Eid Retreat

keeping the ramadan spirit

The Prophet Muhammad, peace & blessings be upon Him, would often retreat to the cave of Hira, where He ﷺ spent days & nights in prayer, contemplation and connecting with the Divine. And it was in that cave where the gates of revelation were opened and the Speech of Allah was transmitted to him. And based on this Prophetic tradition, the spiritual sages of Islam also encourage spiritual retreat as a method of decreasing worldly distractions, increasing in knowledge, worship and connection to Allah, the Mighty & Majestic.

Here’s the perfect post-Ramadan getaway for individuals and families looking to continue the momentum of Ramadan, participate in fun communal activities, and enhance their spirituality by connecting with Allah and His beloved Prophet ﷺ in the midst of Georgia’s beautiful landscape and good company.

Bring your friends and family for the perfect getaway!

  • Workshops with scholars and teachers

  • Youth Program

  • Outdoor activities & sports

  • Spiritual gatherings & worship

  • A great time with great company!

Retreat Details


Transport & Arrival

Guests are responsible for securing their own transport to & from the retreat center, located in Cleveland, GA (See map below). If you'd like to carpool with others from Madina Institute, it's up to you to organize it - We encourage you to contact friends from your local area!

Location details will be sent to you upon registration.

Arrival/Start Time: 6pm on Friday April 26th

Check-Out Time: 12pm on Sunday April 28th, followed by an outdoor picnic lunch and a group hike in the afternoon

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Location & Lodging

The program will be hosted at a beautiful retreat center with great amenities in Cleveland, Georgia, with access to a 250 acre camp, trails, and lakes. The location is about 1 hour from Madina Institute and 1hr 30 mins from Atlanta, GA. Exact location and more details will be given upon registration.


-Communal Cabins: Guests will stay in cabins with bunk beds sleeping 14 - 18 individuals. Cabins will be dedicated to males only or females only. Each cabin has its own common bathroom, a covered porch and emergency exits.

-Family Cabins are also available on a first come-first serve basis at an additional cost and can house up to 6 guests with 4 beds bunked and 1 queen bed that can be made into 2 single beds. They feature a private bathroom. Limited availability.

-LARGE Family Cabins are available at an additional cost and can house up to 10 people. Guests will stay in cabins with bunkbeds, stall bathrooms, covered porch and emergency exits. Limited availability.

NOTE: Cabins are not equipped with refrigerators or microwaves.

Attendees will be able to use campgrounds parking at no charge.

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Communal meals will be offered in a nice, large dining hall throughout the weekend retreat and include dinner on Friday evening, 3 meals on Saturday (breakfast, lunch and dinner) as well as breakfast and lunch on Sunday. Fruits, snacks, tea and beverages will be provided at different times during the day as well.

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Exciting Activities

We’re looking to provide each individual with a balanced experience throughout the weekend with a program designed for our youth and an adult program.

-Workshops with esteemed Scholars and Speakers who will conduct theme-based Islamic knowledge sessions, including Q&A.

-Prolong your Ramadan spirit with group Tahajjud and Salah, early morning litanies in the midst of nature, dhikr and spiritual gatherings.

-Outdoor activities, bonding time with all participants and fun! The retreat center features activities like archery, rifle shooting, canoeing, water zip line, lakeside water activities and more!

-Brothers & Sisters will have completely separate times allocated for time/activities at the lake.

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Youth Program

Sports, Swimming, Zip lining, Rock climbing wall and much more!

Youth Programming will include activities designed to give our young campers a fun experience and hopefully learn a few things along the way. The intent is to have the kids enjoy recreational activities while also connecting them to their Creator.

Who Can Join?

For those staying in the main/communal cabins, age limit is 8 and up - individuals & families. All minors must be accompanied by an adult guardian.

For Family Cabins no age limit.

Moms & babies will also have places to enjoy. The outdoor paths are great for taking them in a walk in a stroller or carrier. The communal prayer hall is a popular place to bring your little ones to play safely while enjoying tea & chatting with friends!

Non-Muslims are also welcome to join!

Spots are limited, so we encourage early sign-up!

Fees & What's Included

You will experience being in a safe, fun, natural environment with your friends, family and community at large! The communal prayers and early morning spiritual gatherings in the midst of nature will have you reminiscing the blessed Ramadan days.

Fees cover the full weekend experience at a minimal cost: includes accommodation, food, plus activities (as listed above) at no extra cost!

  • $195 per person to stay in a Communal Cabin (Kids must be 8 & older)

  • Family Cabins for up to 6 people are $1,450. No age limit. Limited number available - first come, first served.

  • LARGE Family Cabins (10-18 people) are $2,200 for 10 people, and $200 for each additional person. No age limit. Limited number available - first come, first served.

What to Bring

PLEASE PACK LIGHT - It's only a weekend trip! And we are expecting a good turn-out, so please note that space is limited. Check the weather forecast for the region so you can plan accordingly.

Must-Haves: Clothing for the lake & woods, appropriate for Georgia spring weather: Jacket, sneakers or hiking boots, good socks, pajamas, clothing that will suit you in all different activities.

Bring enough for 3 days. Lightweight prayer mat. Reusable water bottle. Phone & Charger, labeled with your name!

Toiletries: Bath soap, shampoo & conditioner, toothpaste & brush, deodorant, wet wipes, towels.

REMEMBER to bring any medication you may need!

Recommended: Hat, sunglasses, sandals or Crocs for the lakeside beach area, flip flops or thin slippers for indoors.


If you need to cancel, contact us ASAP so we can issue a refund, and/or offer your Family Cabin to another group on our Waitlist.

Deadline to request a refund is FRIDAY April 19, 2024 & will only be issued if there is a family on our waitlist that can take your spot.

- Disclaimer/Waiver Info -

There is NO BABYSITTING provided. You are responsible to look after your kids. Madina Institute is not liable for missing children at any time, including youth/teens signed up for the Youth Programming; their attendance & participation is their responsibility alone.

Please beware that all activities are done at your own risk, and injuries can & do occur at times. Madina Institute is not liable for any harm, injury, damage or theft to a person or their property.

You are responsible to secure your belongings & label items with your name as needed.


Horse Range Dr, Georgia 30528, USA

Retreat Center Features

- Cleveland, GA -


Beautiful wooded area with lakeside activities

Enjoy a full experience at the waterfront area - morning/evening walks by the lake, fishing, canoeing, access to the water blob and lake zipline!


Water Zipline

Ride the zipline and splash into the lake!



Tour one of the lakes in two-person canoes with a lifeguard on duty.


Archery & Rifle Shooting

Hit your mark during dedicated time with certified archery & rifle instructors.


Step 1: SELECT your registration

Full weekend - Choose either Regular Cabin Registration (where you'll be assigned to separate Male & Female Cabins), a Family/Group cabin, or a LARGE Family/Group Cabin (LIMITED AVAILABILITY).

Day Passes - now available below. We'll be assigning cabins on a first come, first served basis.

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